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Job Vacancy - Community Families Home Visitor
We now have exciting opportunities for new Community Families (formerly the Community Mothers Programme) Home Visitor positions. The successful candidates will have an opportunity to work collaboratively with a committed group of professionals to support parents and their children to achieve positive outcomes in the early years. The successful candidates will either be part of the existing city-based team (.5 post) or be part of an innovative new development in the County Limerick areas of Rathkeale and Askeaton (2.5 posts).
Our Impact
Our Services create a tangible impact on the lives of the people we care for. We do work that makes a positive social impact and we do work we are proud of.
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If you would like to talk to someone about any of our services call into the office or phone us on 061 314111
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Our Address
Limerick Social Service Council lbg
The LSSC Centre, Henry Street, Limerick.
061 314111 or
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